Montreal International Documentary Festival

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17 November 2016 Festival


After a process of reflection, after listening, discussing and consulting with many people, including Inuit and members of First Nations, the RIDM recognizes that it was wrong to present the film of the North in 2015. The RIDM officially apologizes for its mistake, and for its initial response to the criticism it received.

On Saturday, November 12, during the 19th edition of the festival, the RIDM hosted a public discussion entitled “Indigenous Videographers Shoot Back”. The panel of Mohawk, Ojibwa, Abenaki and Inuit filmmakers, journalists and academics were unanimous in condemning both the film and the RIDM’s decision to include it in the festival.

Following this important discussion, the RIDM stated its position to the room and has now decided to make this position public with the intention of continuing the important process of reconciliation.

The RIDM apologizes for having presented a film with a colonial perspective that perpetuates racist stereotypes. The festival plans to continue the process of listening, dialogue, and inclusion, and will take steps to improve its consideration of problematic points of view during the festival’s curation.

We want to thank everyone who agreed to enter into a dialogue with the RIDM this past year, and everyone who is working with the festival in order for the RIDM to continue to make positive and necessary changes.


Sarah Spring, Chair of the RIDM Board of Directors

Mara Gourd-Mercado, Executive director

Bruno Dequen, Programming director

Charlotte Selb, former Programming director


Contact: Caroline Rompré | publicist | 514-778-9294 |




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