Montreal International Documentary Festival


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November 26th, 2024 Doc Lab Montréal

Doc Lab Montréal Pitch | Short & Sweet

Join us for the presentation of the Canadian short and medium-length film projects selected at Doc Lab Montréal. The pitch-session format is an exceptional platform for the industry's emerging voices.

In English

Presented by Warner Bros. Discovery Access Canada.

We would like to thank the Directors Guild of Canada, Rogers, Eurodoc, CineGround, Main Film, Royal Photo, Vital Distribution, DOK.fest München, SLA Location, Lussier & Khouzam, T&S Coop, Parati Films and Vidéographe for their contribution in the form of prizes awarded to Doc Lab Montréal 2024 participants.

This activity is exclusively open to Forum accredited participants.

In the Pit, by Alexandre Forgues
He was John Banks, by Manuel Orhy Piron
Ariane's thread, by Luiza Cocora
Sally's Courage, by Nathalie Rankin and Roxanne Lauzon
Canoe racers, by Maïlys Flamand
Saying goodbye at 5pm, by Alexia Roc and produced by Laurence Wells
Haven, by Mirkö Lafrenière and produced by Irène Bessone
Plumage, by Migzhe Zhou and produced by Yiqian Zhang
Rosie, bye Kellie Nadeau
In the night trees grow, by Stéphane Mukunzi

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