Montreal International Documentary Festival


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28 February 2025 Festival

The call for entries is open

The call for entries of the RIDM’s 28th edition is open!

Submission Deadline: June 15 2025 at midnight (UTC-5)

RIDM 28th edition will take place from November 20 to 30, 2025.


  • Short films (less than 30 min.)
  • Medium-Length films  (30 to 59 min.)
  • Feature-length films (over 60 min)


  • Works must have been produced after December 1, 2023.
  • Works must be subtitled in either French or English (if the original language is neither French nor English).
  • Incomplete submissions will not be considered (see "Submission Procedure" below).
  • Works previously rejected by RIDM may not be resubmitted.
  • Selected films must grant RIDM the Quebec premiere, meaning they cannot be broadcast, webcast or screened-in Quebec before being shown at RIDM.

SUBMISSION FORMS (available on March 1)

The forms are also available via Film Freeway


  • Early bird (March 1st to March 31st, 2025, at midnight UTC-5)
  • Regular (April 1st to May 26, 2025, at midnight UTC-5)
  • Late bird (May 27 to June 15, 2025, at midnight UTC-5)

Detailed submission fees

12 prizes will be awarded. 9 of them come with a cash and/or service prizes and are awarded by local and international juries of professionals:

  • Grand Prize for International Feature Competition
  • Special Jury Prize for International Feature Competition
  • Grand Prize for National Feature Competition
  • Special Jury Prize for National Feature Competition
  • New Visions Award
  • Magnus Isacsson Award
  • Best International Short or Medium-Length
  • Best National Short or Medium-Length
  • Special Jury Prize, National Short or Medium-Length Film

The 3 other prizes also awarded are:

  • Student Jury Award
  • Women Inmate Jury Award
  • People's Choice Award


For any question, email us to or call us on +1 514-499-3676.

Frequently Asked Questions


I’ve read the eligibility requirements on the website. Where can I find the detailed rules?

The detailed rules are included with the online submission forms. Please read them; there is no commitment to submit a work at this step.

If you have any questions not addressed in the rules or the FAQ, write to We will respond within five to seven business days at the latest.

My work will not be finished before the end of the submission period (June 15, 2025). Can I still submit it?

Yes, as long as it meets the requirements specified in the rules:

• Rough cuts are accepted. You have then one month after the closing of the call (July 15th) to send us a more advanced version of the work. If it’s not the final product, keep in mind that is the version that we’ll be considering.

My work is currently available online. Can I still submit it?  

No. Please refer to the following section of the rules: Selected films and interactive works must grant the RIDM the Quebec premiere, meaning they cannot be broadcast, webcast or screened in Quebec before being shown at the RIDM.

The submission deadline has passed (June 15, 2025). Can I still submit my work?

Please note that all submissions after the deadline of June 15, 2025, require prior authorization. To request authorization, please write to before June 15th.

Screener links

Can I send you a screener link without completing the submission form?

No. Works submitted by any means other than the submission form will not be entered in our database and therefore cannot be considered. Similarly, links to trailers or excerpts will not be considered.

I did not include a screener link in my form because my work is not ready. Will my submission still be considered?

No. Starting from the day you submit your form, you have two weeks to send us a link to a screener of your work. If we do not receive either item within two weeks, your registration will be cancelled automatically. Links have to be sent to It is your responsibility to send the screeners once you submit your work.

Please note that you can send us a working version, but the most up-to-date version must be received July 15, 2025 at the latest. After that, what RIDM has in hands is what will be considered.

Registration confirmation

I have not received a confirmation email. How can I confirm that my work was submitted?

The confirmation email was sent to the address entered in the “Main Contact” section of the form. To obtain a copy, write to, indicating your Zone Festival submission number.

How do I get a receipt for my registration fee?

To obtain a receipt, write to, indicating your Zone Festival submission number.

I want to make a change to my form. How do I proceed?

Your Zone Festival submission number allows you to make changes at any time before submitting your form. After submission, write to, indicating your Zone Festival submission number and we’ll make the changes for you.

Payments and waivers

Do you provide submission fee waivers?

No. However, if you believe your situation justifies a waiver, write to us at Please note that we do not provide fee exemptions for students. Requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

I am a student or an independent filmmaker. Can I request that my submission fee be waived?

No. We have implemented a time-based discount favourable to those on tight budgets. We therefore encourage you to submit your work during the early-bird period (before March 31st, 2025).

I do not wish/am unable to use PayPal. What should I do?

For Canadian submissions, please send us a cheque (see the section of the rules on payment methods).

For submissions from outside Canada, payments must be made via PayPal. Please note that you do not need to have a PayPal account in order to make this payment. The service is only used as a payment platform.

If PayPal is not available in your country, please write to us at


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