Montreal International Documentary Festival

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RIDM 20 Nov. - 01 Dec. 2024

2019 Awards

Juries 2019

Jury - International Feature Competition

Abril Alzaga (FICUNAM, Excecutive Director)

Denis Côté (Filmmaker)

Laura Huertas Millan (Filmmaker)

Ryan Krivoshey (Grasshopper Film, President)

Dennis Lim (Film at Lincoln Center, Director of Programming)

Jury - Canadian Feature Competition

Sonia Bonspille Boileau (Filmmaker)

Stephan Riguet (Andana Films, Excecutive Director)

Alex Moussa Sawadogo (Ouaga Film Lab, Artistic Director)

Jury - International and National Short and Medium-Length Competition

Asinnajaq (Filmmaker)

Valérie Fouques (CNC)

Carlo Guillermo Proto (Filmmaker)

Jury - Magnus Isacsson Award

Jocelyne Clarke

Alexandre Chartrand (DOC Québec)

Miryam Charles (Main Film)

Jessica Legault (Cinema Politica)

Hubert Sabino-Brunette (Funambules Médias)


Award winners at the 22nd annual

Montreal International Documentary Festival (RIDM)



Present.Perfect. by Shengze Zhu


complex, cinematic work, a testament to the deep social, political and interpersonal impacts created by the Internet. In exploring a Chinese livestreaming platform, the film dissects the machinery of performance, surveillance, self-exposure and value creation in social media, while also discovering spaces for empathy and connection enabled by the new technology. The jury was impressed by the film’s profound understanding of a present-day flooded with images and representations that are, paradoxically, becoming increasingly unintelligible.



Heimat Is a Space in Time by Thomas Heise


An epic film, its maker’s distinctive voice shining through as he digs into family archives, testimonials and remnants of the indescribable horrors and upheavals of 20th century Germany. A monument is a memorial to those who are no longer with us, and a place for the living to refresh their memories, and this film is a masterful cinematic monument.



143 Sahara Street by Hassen Ferhani


“Taking place entirely in a tiny roadside café in a harsh and inhospitable landscape, this film gives us some private moments with Malika and the community, human and non-human alike, that exists around and because of her. The simple, humble cinematic approach results in a richly textured portrait, a tribute to a woman in exile who reigns over a marginal but cherished space.”


The jury for the International Feature Competition was composed of Abril Alzaga (executive director of FICUNAM), Denis Côté (filmmaker), Laura Huertas Millán (filmmaker), Ryan Krivoshey (founder and president of Grasshopper Film) and Dennis Lim (director of programming at Film at Lincoln Center).



Une femme, ma mère by Claude Demers


“This tender, loving film explores the collective memory of film and the imagination to reconstruct the touching personal history of the director’s mother.”



Wilcox by Denis Côté


“This successful cinematic gambit, with breathtaking images and sounds, immersed us in solitude both liberating and poignant.”


NEW VISIONS AWARD presented by Post-Moderne and la Société civile des auteurs multimédia

Don’t Worry, the Doors Will Open by Oksana Karpovych


“For its beautiful look at the director’s country of origin, for making the camera a travelling companion, for the humanity and humility evident in every frame.”


The National Feature Competition jury was composed of Sonia Bonspille Boileau (filmmaker), Stephan Riguet (founder of AndanaFilms) and Alex Moussa Sawadogo (artistic director of the Afrikamera Festival and Ouaga Film Lab).



Faire-part by Rob Jacobs, Anne Reijniers, Nizar Saleh and Paul Shemisi


“Through conversations in relation to each other, their environment and the cinematic lens, we are exposed to an inspiring movement. Four filmmakers set on a mission to document a variety of performance artists who use their voice to empower the people on domestic social and political issues.”


BEST NATIONAL SHORT OR MEDIUM-LENGTH FILM presented by Télé-Québec and SLA Location

Homeport by Laurence Lévesque


“Connected to the imagery, rhythm and heartbeat of this film, we embarked on a journey of a young family attempting to sustain a living of a dying tradition.”


The jury for the short and medium-length competitions was composed of Asinnajaq (filmmaker), Valérie Fouques (Mission leader at CNC) and Carlo Guillermo Proto (filmmaker).



nîpawistamâsowin: We Will Stand Up by Tasha Hubbard presented by Funambules Média, Cinema Politica, DOC Québec, Main Film


“For the urgent nature of the issues the filmmaker addresses from both historical and sociological perspectives, and for the exceptional access to and investment in the tragic events recounted.”


The jury for the Magnus-Isacsson Award was composed of Jocelyne Clarke (producer, filmmaker and editor), Alexandre Chartrand (DOC Québec), Miryam Charles (Main Film), Jessica Legault (Cinema Politica) and Hubert Sabino-Brunette (Funambules Médias).


STUDENTS’ AWARD presented by Desjardins

nîpawistamâsowin: We Will Stand Up by Tasha Hubbard


“A film that makes an important statement, not least in the context of the Canadian competition; a film that addresses an issue that should inspire each of us to take action.”


The jury for the Students’ Award was composed of Victoria Caputo (Dawson College), Kaël McKeown-Opasinski (Dawson College), Ariane Poitras (Cégep André-Laurendeau), Jorge Contreras (Collège de Maisonneuve), Thomas Dufresne-Morin (Cégep Marie-Victorin) and Chloé Sirois (Cégep de St-Laurent).



nîpawistamâsowin: We Will Stand Up by Tasha Hubbard


“For its powerful subject matter, courage to document a disturbing reality and compelling call to action.”


The Women Inmates’ jury is composed of five inmates of the Joliette Institution. Claudia, Esther, Roseline, Sophie and Stéphanie chose a winner from a selection of eight films from the official competition and Panorama. This initiative, implemented for the first time in Québec for the RIDM 2011 edition, is made in partnership with the Société Elizabeth Fry du Québec, the Entente sur le développement culturel de Montréal - project supported by the ministère de la Culture et des Communications and Ville de Montréal.


PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARD, presented by Cineplex

Kenbe la – Until We Win  by Will Prosper



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