Montreal International Documentary Festival

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Panorama - Against the Grain

La suite canadienne Olivier Godin

In 1958, Radio-Canada’s L’heure du concert screened Suite canadienne, a piece now considered a cornerstone of Les Grands Ballets Canadiens. Over 50 years later, a dance troupe pays tribute to the work while taking a decolonial and introspective approach, questioning notions of national identity through dance. Olivier Godin immerses himself in the daily life of rehearsals and weaves an element of hybridity between documentary and fiction, bringing Ludmilla Chiriaeff—the original choreographer of Suite canadienne, who passed in 1996—back to life. Reality thus borrows from the creative capacities of film, underlining the playful and reflexive potential of art in all its forms. (AJL)

Olivier Godin and Adam Kinner will also be participating in the Panel : Documentary Practices in the Performing Arts.

In collaboration with Fonderie Darling

La suite canadienne

  • Country : Canada (Quebec)
  • Year : 2023
  • V.O : French, English
  • Subtitles : French and English
  • Duration : 68 MIN
  • Cinematography : Renaud Després-Larose
  • Editing : Olivier Godin
  • Production : Adam Kinner
  • Music : Philippe Melanson
  • Sound Design : Olivier Godin
Filmography of Olivier Godin :

Nouvelles, Nouvelles (2014)
Les arts de la parole (2016)
En attendant Avril (2018)
Il n'y a pas de faux métier (2020)
irlande cahier bleu (2023)

Presented in same section


by Daniel Kötter

La Bonga

by Sebastián Pinzón Silva, Canela Reyes

Another Spring

by Mladen Kovacevic

Whispers of Fire & Water

by Lubdhak Chatterjee

Still Film

by James N. Kienitz Wilkins

Éloge de l'ombre

by Catherine Martin

The Oceans are the Real Continents

by Tommaso Santambrogio

Sofia Foi

by Pedro Geraldo

Nouveau Monde ! (Le monde à nouveau)

by Nicolas Klotz, Elisabeth Perceval


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