In addition to diversifying sources of financing, international co-production opens up valuable opportunities for collaboration and cultural exchange. For French-speaking regions, language can be an asset, at least at first glance. While French facilitates the flow of work and access to certain markets, the specificities of each French-speaking region pose unique challenges. This round table will look at strategies for encouraging more equitable and inclusive international co-productions, while avoiding reproducing the power dynamics between the countries involved.
In French
Ana Alice de Morais (co-artistic director, RIDM and Forum RIDM programmer)
Souleyman Kebe (producer Sunuy Films, Senegal)
Florent Coulon (producer Vrai Vrai Films, France)
Rosa Spaliviero (producer Twenty Nine Studio, Belgium)
Eric Idriss-Kanago (producer Yzanakio, Canada)
Presented by the Bell Fund