Focus Mexico : Light Between the Shadows
Director Sofía Peypoch scans and digs into the earth to confront traumatic memories and keep alive the memory of those we are attempting to erase.

- Sofía Peypoch
- 2023
- Mexico
- s.t. English
- 68 min
New Visions Competition
A relay between two artists, this experimental film shows the return of a species of cicada that only emerges every 17 years in an America that also may be starting a new cycle.

- Matthew Wolkow, Jean-Jacques Martinod
- 2024
- Canada (Quebec), United States, Ecuador
- s.t. French and English
- 78 min
The soirée de la relève Radio-Canada
Buried deep in boxes of archives, among the painful struggles of the LGBTQ+ community, bright queer stories are revealed.

National Short and Medium-Length Competition
As people organize themselves to find their missing relatives in Mexico, we hear their voices against a black backdrop amid brief images of excavations and searches.

Retrospective Iva Radivojevic : Imaginary Landscapes of Dislocation
Through several points of view, this documentary essay shot in Cyprus explores with intelligence and artistry the issues of identity, exile, reception, inequality, and racism.

- Iva Radivojevic
- 2014
- Cyprus, United States
- s.t. English
- 74 min